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Top 10 Holiday Gifts

For more than 20 years, we have been making holiday lists for the creative, eclectic holiday shopper. We don't sell products on our site, we simply refer you to reputable retailers that sell the gifts that we have discovered and love over the past year. The only theme we follow is the holiday theme - gifts that we think work well for a specific holiday. But there is no category requirement, no gender requirement, no walls that are built around us. One list might go from jewelry, to cooking, to blankets, to spirits, to glassware, to footwear to wine. Our randomness is what makes our lists special. Anyone can google "Valentine's Day gift" but we want to give thoughtful recommendations that show more than haphazard holiday shopping. 

At Top 10 Holiday Gifts, we limit our lists to just 10, so you can review it quickly and be on your way. Sign up for our emails to get ONLY 2 emails for each holiday: 1 introductory email to remind you to begin looking for a gift for the upcoming holiday and 1 reminder email two weeks before each holiday to make sure you order your gift on time. Whether you select one of our recommendations or one of your own - a reminder is helpful. (Yes - we're talking to all of you that have forgotten to purchase that special gift before Valentine's Day and ended up at the CVS the night before. NOT GOOD!) 

Our system is simple and our gifts are unique, so make sure you subscribe to our emails and review our list at least once each holiday season to give you ideas and to access special discounts. Even if you don't buy the gifts listed here, we hope that their unique characteristics inspired great ideas for the lucky gift recipient in your life!

Happy holidays! Happy shopping! Happy Smiles!


Do you own a product that you would like to have on our lists? Email us at support@top10holidaygiftguide.com